Friday 23 August 2013

Tiny Song

'Tiny song' is named after the instruments used - just like Carousels. Hope you like it!

Tiny Song Link:

Blessed Be!
Freddie :)

Thursday 22 August 2013

That Green Island and It's Remix

This track is called 'That Green Island' because I had thought about writing lyrics - Later I realised that lyrics are not my thing...
Based on Britain (Where I live) It shows a lonely old Island and all it's stereotypes!

That Green Island Link:

Remix Link:

Blessed Be!
Freddie :)

Time for the Sun

My personal favourite - loved making this track and I hope you enjoy listening to it!

Time for the Sun Link:

Blessed Be!
Freddie :)

Party Darkness

Listening to this song made me think about how clubs are dark, yet, light at the same time - just like the sound of the song - Enjoy!

Party Darkness Link:

Blessed Be!
Freddie :)


Listening to this, it should be obvious why I called it 'Funkee'!

Funkee Link:

Blessed Be!
Freddie :)


This song is called 'Carousels' because of the instruments used - Carosels - I originally called it 'Carousels in the Sky' but later changed it because I thought the title was too long and didn't fit the personality of the song.

Carousels Link:

Blessed Be!
Freddie :)

4 Dots

'4 Dots' has a strange title, I know. When naming it, I couldn't think of a name and just put .... in. When publishing it, I thought "'4 Dots' actually sounds alright" so I left it being called '4 Dots'.

Hope you enjoy the track!

4 Dots Link:

Blessed Be!
Freddie :)